This page lists the rules for playing on the server and using our Discord server. Not following these rules will result in punishment that will be dictated by our Moderation Team. If you think somebody has broken the rules, or have encountered a problem, get in touch with our staff team in the #staff-contact
channel on Discord.
General Rules
- Be respectful to everyone. Bullying or harassment is not tolerated in any way.
- Be civil. Swearing is allowed but preferably kept to a minimum. Slurs are not tolerated.
- Do not discuss sexual, political or otherwise controversial topics.
- Do not spam. Sending the same message or emote repeatedly, whether in chat or in private DMs, will warrant punishment.
- Do not self-advertize just for the purpose of advertizing. You are allowed to talk about other projects you are working on if it’s relevant to the discussion and is meaningful. The same applies to sharing links of the work of other people.
Foreign Languages
- Use English in the Minecraft and Discord server.
- Exceptions: Local chat
and DMs/msg <player>
in Minecraft, and the#non-english
channel on Discord.
Minecraft-specific Rules
- Stealing from chests is not allowed, even if the chest isn’t claimed. Unless the chest is marked to be used for public access, you should not take from any chests that are not yours.
- Griefing (destroying other people's builds) is not allowed. Removing clutter such as 1 block pillars or bridges is fine if they aren't actively being used.
- Hacking is absolutely not allowed. Baritones and such are not allowed. Mods and scripts for auto-fishing are not allowed either.
- Exploiting bugs is not allowed. If you encounter a bug, report it on Discord in the #bug-reports channel, or #staff-contact if you believe the bug is severe enough to stay private.
- Building ladder shafts, staircases, railways or anything of the sort in Layer 1, 2 or 3 is forbidden.
- Building laggy redstone contraptions is not allowed. While redstone contraptions and farms are allowed, if they are so big that they cause lag, they will be removed. Moderators will decide on a case by case basis if a farm is too laggy.
- Building offensive or inappropriate things will result in the build being removed and a punishment.
Installing Mods
While you are allowed to play on the server with client-side mods that aren't in the official server modpack, the following mods are prohibited:
- mods that download the map (this includes Bobby)
- mods that give the player an unfair advantage in combat
- mods that allow the player to look through walls
- mods that allow the player to automatically place/break blocks
In case you're wondering, the following mods are all allowed:
- Litematica
- Fullbright (or mods with similar functionality)
- Distant horizons or Voxy (because they only save LODs, not the full map)
- Using an illegitimate copy of Minecraft will result in a ban. We do not allow people to play on our server with TLauncher or EasyMC because they allow for ban circumvention.
- Ban circumvention using alts will result in the alts being banned and your ban time being increased.
- Do not argue back with staff if you received a punishment. This could result in further punishment. Instead, contact us in
if you have further questions.